
£35.00  –  One Ear

£50.00 – Both Ears

*Home services available – £20 per call out


Microsuction involves the use of a special vacuum for the removal of wax from the ear. The procedure is carried out only by qualified professionals with a trained eye in aural examination. 

Unlike other wax removal techniques such as syringing. Microsuctioning provides a significantly lower risk of damage to your ear drum, this is because the technique does not rely on liquids used under high pressure or risk wax being pushed further down the ear canal. 

visual representation of the human ear for ear wax removal purposes

Microsuction lasts no longer than 20 minutes and you may feel a gentle pulling sensation during the procedure. Occasionally the procedure may also involve the use of oils or forceps to aid the removal of very hard clumps of ear wax or foreign bodies. 

Why is my ear wax such a problem?

wearing NHS hearing aids can increase ear wax production

Ear wax is a mixture of oils, sweat and skin produced from your outer ear. This mixture is generally self cleaning in a migratory process away from the ear drum and out of your ear. On occasion this mechanism could fail for reasons such as:-

  • Having a narrow or bendy ear canal 
  • The presence of a skin complaint
  • The use of a hearing aid 
  • Insufficient oil secretion, leading to hardened wax
  • Excessive ear hair
  • Working in a dusty environment 

If you are suffering from any of the above, microsuction could be beneficial for you. 

Complications caused due to Ear Wax

Impacted ear wax most often affects how clearly you can hear, it may also result in sensations of fullness, itchiness, soreness and disequilibrium. Where a hearing aid is used the blocked ear canal would prevent sound from entering the ear, resulting in a whistling noise which may be audible to others. A blocked ear canal could also provide the ideal warm/ damp conditions required for bacteria to thrive behind the occlusion, this could lead to an ear infection or further more permanent complications. 

Key Benefits of Microsuction


  • Microsuction does not involve the use of liquids used under high pressure, therefore there is significantly less risk of pushing wax further down the ear, damaging the ear drum or creating pools of water which may encourage infection. 
  • Microsuction ear wax removal is carried out under direct vision, therefore there is a greater chance complications to the ear canal or ear drum can be actively spotted during the procedure and risk can be mitigated accordingly. 
  • Microsuction allows for the targeted removal of wax or debris in the ear canal, allowing for a greater chance the ear will resume its natural cleaning process, allowing for better ongoing aural health. 
  • Microsuction is considered to be a safer more effective method for wax removal, for this reason it is the technique of choice used in Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) departments across the country.

To Book an Appointment for Microsuction, Please call us on 01253 963733


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